
The SwissNeuroFoundation was conceived to further clinical neurosciences with applied and translational efforts in research, education and other activities supporting this mission.


The SwissNeuroFoundation was conceived to further clinical neurosciences with applied and translational efforts in research, education and other activities supporting this mission.

Board Members

Donation for Neurovascular Diseases

Why a donation to alleviate from the burden of neurovascular diseases?
Neurovascular diseases have the biggest impact on the well-being of the human brain and are among the most disabling diseases and reasons for death in our population. Therefore, it represents one of the largest burden and most costly challenges in modern medicine and todays societies.
A focus of the SwissNeuroFoundation is aiming at reducing disability and death from neurovascular diseases, such as:

• Stroke
• Intracranial Aneurysms
• Vascular Dementia
• Vascular Anomalies

You read this document because you may consider getting involved and may opt for providing support to our common effort to further clinical neurosciences by improving understanding and treatment for neurovascular diseases aiming at reducing the burden from these ailments in Switzerland and abroad. Together with you, we wish to make the difference for the patient and their relatives by reducing the suffering fromdisability and death related to neurovascular diseases:

• by informing about the rapidly and continuously evolving disease knowledge in clinical neurosciences concerning neurovascular diseases.
• by translational research supporting transfer of basic research knowledge into the clinical reality to the benefit of the patient.
• by gathering information and offering access to common, anonymized disease archives (DataBank), such as the AneurysmDataBank.
• by providing personal advise and support for patients in need.

In support of the mission “to further clinical neurosciences” your donation to the SwissNeuroFoundation, specifically in regard to neurovascular diseases is very welcome. It will allow for continuity and improvements on behalf of patients suffering from neurovascular diseases. If you wish to become personally involved in this mission or in case you opt to dedicate your donation to a specific project, please indicate accordingly. We are very grateful for your support and interest in this matter. Expressing our best thanks, sincerely yours, the board of the SwissNeuroFoundation.

Direct financial donations:
Bank: UBS AG
Account owner: Schweizerische Neuro Stiftung, Bürglistrasse 29, 8002 Zürich, Switzerland
Account Nr:106474.02M
Clearing Code:0278
IBAN: CH32 0027 8278 1064 7402 M

Other creative ways to donate?
• Donations of appreciated shares of stock or mutual funds
• Naming a charity as beneficiary of a life insurance policy
• Planned giving, such as wills, trusts or other types of gifts
• Corporate matching gift programs: Many corporations offer to match donations made by their employees to charitable organizations. Ask the corporate-donations officer or your human resources department if your company participates. Even if your company doesn’t have a program, you might be able to take advantage of the matching gift program of a parent, subsidiary or affiliate company.
• Employer gift programs: If you are an employer, consider making a contribution to the Foundation in your employees’ names, as a meaningful way to celebrate birthdays, holidays or other occasions when you might give material gifts.
• In Honor of & In Memory of Gifts
A tribute or memorial donation is a meaningful way to honor someone special in your life. The SwissNeuroFoundation will send a personalized letter to the person or family indicated notifying them of your thoughtful gift, but not revealing the amount of the donation.
